Ever wondered if that hobby that you love can be a successful business? Well, we are happy to say it’s been done many times before, and we could help you do the same.
Step 1
Ascertain if your hobby can be monetized. Create a small survey of your potential clients and see if they would buy your hobby, at a profitable price. Family, friends and social media are always a good place to start.
Step 2
If you are seeing a little buzz, get started, which is the most difficult part. Get started small with a minimal investment. This will minimize your risk if you want to pull out and manage your fear of jumping in. Make your side hustle super-lean and low-cost.
Step 3
Learn to treat your new hustle like a business so that it pays you like a business. Running a business takes a little more discipline than enjoying a hobby, so empower yourself with some basic skills. Lucky for you, we have some amazing boot camps to get you started.
Step 4
Connect with some like-minded beings. Needless to say, your new transition will be tough, and a support community, sharing skills and experience goes a long way. That’s why we started the LEC, so we can help you succeed.
Step 5
Grow and grow some more. Continue to build a strong brand for your business and grow your income and profits, making a difference in your community. This is where that training and your amazing community come in most handy.