Office Hours Works with Your Goals in Mind.
- Office Hours allows you to purchase a minimum of 2 hours of work from one of our accredited and trusted professional members of staffÂ
- You can purchase as many hours as you need!
- You will be able to communicate directly with the professional via our Client Portal
- Access to the Client Portal will be sent via an email shortly after your purchase
We Have Packaged More Into Office Hours.
- A FREE discovery meeting and goal identification where we explore your unique business needs
- Access to our Client Portal live service, your digital hub for accessing our various Toolbox services and communicating with the skilled professional who will be taking care of your tasks during the Office Hours service
Our Flexible Pricing Works for Your Business.
£50 per hour with a minimum purchase of 2 hour blocks where you will receive access to one of our trusted professionals who will undertake the appropriate tasks for your business.